

About GamerFiner Orders

I will share what I know about GamerFinger that I can tell you.
Please read this carefully as it is a short statement and please be a lady and gentleman in the future so as not to burden the seller.



Q1. Where can I buy GamerFinger as of April 2022?
千石電商(in addition to mail order, there is a store in Akihabara, Japan)

アケ魂-Akecon- FGC GEAR SHOP 

 *Note that you cannot purchase from GamerFinger.com
All stores sell authorized GamerFinger products, so do not inquire.
Sengoku and Akecon have other business commitments, so it is difficult for us to take the time to answer individual questions.




Q2. Why can't I buy from GamerFinger.com
Since about October 2020, I no longer receive a button for my order.
The site still remains and the order operation is still available, but the button will never be delivered to the person who placed the order.
The money you paid will never be refunded.
All I can tell you is that GamerFinger.com does not have the capacity to produce buttons.
Production is being resumed by someone at a different location than the previous production site.

And we only have two stores where we can contact current producers.



Q3. I would like to contact a GamerFinger producer.
Our current producers continue to produce small quantities on the side and do not wish to add more sellers.
It is a waste of time for individuals to ask for what is impossible even with Focus attack.



Q4. When can I get GamerFinger?
None of the stores that sell them know when they will be available or how many until they are sent from the production facility in Taiwan.
You will not get an answer if you ask questions individually. You are wasting your time replying to emails.
Sengoku and Akecon announce on Twitter when they start selling. See also.
Seeing the tweets is the only way to get them.




Thank you for reading and understanding.
by Shiryl-Shi